
Learn French at Etoile Institut with the Erasmus+ program

What is Erasmus+?

Erasmus+ is an EU program that promotes European mobility. It is part of the development and support of European education, training, youth and sport.

Thanks to this program, many Europeans have the opportunity to travel and stay abroad while improving their language skills and thus enhancing their employability. For teachers, it is also a way to deepen their methodology by following an adapted training.

Many sectors of activity are concerned by the Erasmus+ program:

  • school education
  • higher education
  • adult education
  • youth
  • sport
  • vocational training

The Erasmus+ program is open to citizens or permanent residents of the 27 member states of the European Union, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Turkey, which are the participating countries in the program.

In addition, there are the partner countries: (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine) and in the South (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Palestine, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, Syria), the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro), the Russian Federation


Erasmus+ for whom?

Erasmus+ scholarships are open to individuals (learners and teachers) in school, in internships, in continuing or initial training, or simply to people under 30 years old with or without diplomas. Institutions such as schools, colleges, high schools or higher education institutions as well as organizations (associations, local authorities, training organizations etc.).

Individuals wishing to obtain an Erasmus+ grant for their European mobility project cannot apply for it alone. They must submit their application to their school, for example, or to a partner organization of this program.


How does Erasmus+ work?

If you wish to benefit from an Erasmus+ grant to finance your French program at Etoile Institut, you must apply to your school, which will take care of the administrative procedures, or to an Erasmus+ partner organization. You will then have to send us your application form to be signed, once you have selected the French course(s) you wish to follow at Etoile Institut. At the same time, we will help you with the registration process for your French courses. You will receive a confirmation of registration and an invoice in your name that will attest to your steps with Etoile Institut.


Erasmus+ with Etoile Institut

Our general French programs such as the Initial, the Certifiant, the Diplômant or the combined courses with private lessons are eligible for Erasmus+ grants.

Once your project is established with your institution or organization, the person in charge of presenting your project will have to create an account on the program’s online platform. In order to affiliate your application with Etoile Institut, you will need to enter our OID code E10286362.

Our General French programs run throughout the year, including the summer. You can therefore choose the time of year you wish to come and learn French at L’Etoile with your mobility grant. At the end of your French course at L’Etoile, you will receive a certificate of attendance attesting to your participation in the program. You will also have the opportunity to take the TCF Tout Public exam, which is an official French language certification, valid for 2 years, at our center. This certification will be a plus to highlight your language skills and promote your employability.


For more information on the Le Diplômant program and other programs click here and/or write to us: contact@etoileinstitut.com

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