Pathway - Preparation for higher education
Short program in French language and culture.

Do you have an academic, professional or personal project in mind and would like to receive support to make it a reality?
Our "Le Diplômant" program is for you!

Enjoy a full 24-week academic experience. Throughout your course, you'll receive personalized support to help you build your project, as well as specialized teaching and monthly workshops to help you integrate into French academic and professional life.
At the end of your course, you'll take the DELF (Diplôme d'études en langue française) or DALF (Diplôme approfondi de langue française) exam with our partner and receive ECTS (European Credits Transfer System) credits that you can transfer to your university for your future course.

This program is accredited by EABHES.

Key points of the program

A 24-week (6-month) program for motivated students

  • fixed-date sessions (see calendar)
  • possibility of extending the stay by adding French courses before and/or after the Diploma session
  • admission to the program on application

An accredited degree program :

Students who successfully complete the program receive :

  • an official transcript of 30 European university credits (ECTS*)
  • an ECTS certificate of achievement
  • a DELF or DALF diploma (depending on the level chosen)
  • Etoile Institut diploma

An intensive preparation program :

  • 15 hours of general French / week
  • 5 hours Culture and News / week
  • 3 hours of academic and professional preparation workshop / month
  • 1 hour of individual tutoring / month

Real support for your project:

  • analysis of the student's project (applying to a French university, finding a job in France, etc.)
  • individual follow-up interviews and group coaching sessions
  • monthly preparation workshops (CV writing, interview preparation, university procedures, etc.).
  • submission and presentation of a personal project in line with the student's objectives

Guaranteed linguistic progress:

  • program open to students with a minimum A1.2 level (beginners can enroll by taking a minimum of 3 weeks of classes before starting the Diploma program).
  • a mid-course Ev@lang evaluation to assess progress in level
  • assistance in choosing the DELF or DALF level to be taken at the end of the program

A program with regular, personalized assistance:

educational interview and analysis of the student's project, regular individual and group coaching, submission and presentation of a personal project, assistance with social security registration.

A diploma program :

DELF/DALF diplomas (exam preparation workshops beforehand) and school diplomas issued at the end of the course.

*What are ECTS credits?

The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) is used to quantify and compare academic results across Europe. The 30 ECTS credits obtained through the Diplômant - Programme court en langue et culture française, are internationally recognized for the transfer of university credits. To receive the ECTS transcript, students must pass all program modules with sufficient marks and good attendance.

Price per session

- 24 weeks: €5,600
+ administrative costs: €140

Price per additional week before or after the program :

  • Standard: €200
  • Intensive: €220


From 09/23/2024 to 03/28/2025

Classe times

- Monday to Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
- Thursday, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.

- Monday to Wednesday, 1:30 to 5:30 p.m.
- Thursday, 1:30 to 4:30 p.m.

Students are assigned to a morning or afternoon course according to their level of French.

No. of students

14 students
- 10/12 students on average
- 16 students in peak periods

Practical information

Placement test, teaching materials, monthly exam and final certification included.
- 1 lesson : 45min
- 20 lessons : 15h
- 26 lessons : 15h + 5h of Culture and News

Small-group classes

What they say about us